

Would you like to contribute to your own well-being, stand in your inner strength and find more peace within yourself? I offer you some wisdom: ingredients for a lighter and more fulfilled life full of inspiration.

Nature is very important to me. It senses our energy and at the same time gives us energy back. Therefore, to connect us with and align us with nature is important, which can be through nature walks, yoga, more natural food (a more aligned holistic way of living) and with down to earth wisdom and rituals. For me, I find the olive tree a very beautiful and powerful symbol for peace: grounded and connected.

Walk confidentially into the directions of your dreams


Be in love with your life
every minute of it

Jack Kerouac

Can you contribute to your own well-being? And if so, how? After two turning points in my life, I started looking for ways to contribute holistically to my own well-being and more specifically that of my eyes. Yoga has helped me with this and has been an important factor in making me feel more in harmony, aligned, and connection. This makes me live and share it with so much love.

Are you also looking forward to feel more in harmony
in a holistic way?


Yoga has an awful lot of benefits for your body and mind. After just a few classes you start
notice changes and these keep evolving.

Verbinding bloem


Maya wisdom Tzol’kin’


On the path to soul discovery and contributing to my own well-being, Maya wisdom and the Tzol’kin calendar are a daily nourishment in spirituality and awareness for me. For me, they contribute to a lighter and fulfilled life in which I can unfold my passions and creative strength. The daily energy acts as a compass that reminds you who you really are and gives direction to the next step in your life.

Do you also want to be more in alignment
and your inner strength?


What is Mayan wisdom?

Maya wisdom is based on the ancient wisdom of the Mayans of Central America, made accessible to the times we live in today. It is a way of experiencing the times that the Mayans and many other Indian peoples mentioned in their prophecies thousands of years ago.

The ancient Maya were a highly developed people and had a lot of knowledge of astronomy and time. They used different calendars, which you can think of as spirals. Each spiral offers new opportunities and possibilities in our lives to grow and use our talents.

When we delve into the calendars and way of life of the Mayans, we can learn from them how to live lighter and fulfilled lives. How we can be more in tune with ourselves and be more aware of the opportunities and possibilities that come along. This way we become more attuned to what we already know deep inside and learn to trust that. We find the way inwards: to our own core and wisdom.


For the time being only in Dutch.
You can use a translator like f.e. Google Translator.

Soul collage


Soulcollage is a creative, fun and gentle method to discover more about yourself and get closer to yourself. You listen to the language of your heart. You don’t have to ’think about it’. It takes you to a ‘world still unconsciously living inside you’ that is so rich.

You use your intuition and creativity and let the message of your SoulCollage cards surprise you. In this way you make contact with the wise and playful but also the difficult parts of yourself. You become more balanced and grow into who you really are.

What does your heart have to tell you?


Seeing, not seeing
Seeing, seeing too much, not seeing enough?, te veel zien, te weinig zien?
Seeing, seeing through

Since the age of 19, I have lived with glaucoma. Many paths I have taken: first the classical medical paths and, later in life, the more holistic approach. I am currently compiling my story in a book. In it, you will be able to read what my way has been in contributing to eye health and get? (obtain?) inspiration for an overall and holistic lifestyle. Throughout this process, yoga, holistic food, the wisdom of the Mayas/Tzolkin played an important role in the well-being of my eyes.

Would you like to stay updated on this holistic lifestyle?



I am currently compiling my story with glaucoma into a book that can inspire you in your path. Coming soon!

Wij vragen onszelf
One day I will find the right words

A gift with a difference

With the Joia & Vida gift certificate you can give a friend, your sister, your mother or your daughter a gift from the range of Joia Vida, which contributes to her well-being. Like, for example, a yoga class or an inspiration workshop. She can then choose what she redeems the amount on the voucher for. A gift to enjoy life from love and connect with yourself.

Do you have a question? We are happy to help you.

All beings are flowers blooming